SUNGAZER 100Miler (2025)

Prepare yourself for the exhilarating 2nd edition of the SUNGAZER100Miler, set to take place on 31st May 2025 at Tiffany’s in Bloemfontein, starting at 07:00 am. “Join us for the SUNGAZER and embark on a thrilling journey through Central South Africa’s breathtaking landscapes. Whether you’re a gravel or mountain bike enthusiast, this challenging course offers an unforgettable experience. Choose your weapon and conquer the SUNGAZER.” E-bikes are eligible to participate in the half distance category only to qualify for podium positions, but is not limited to only the half distance, you can enter for the full or quarter distances, but will not eligible for podium positions.

Race Details:
Location: Bloemfontein, starting and finishing at Tiffany’s.
Date & Time: 31st May 2025 @ 07:00 am.
Distances:160KM / 84KM / 44KM, catering to various levels of challenge and experience.
Terrain: Scenic gravel roads offering a challenging yet accessible ride.
Route Profiles:100Mile 84km   44km

Please visit their site for more details: